Bastian Schweinsteiger naked in front of Angela Merkel

German chancellor Angela Merkel once caught a glimpse of a naked Bastian Schweinsteiger, according to DFB president Wolfgang Niersbach.

The German federation chief revealed the details of a dressing-room visit made by Merkel after Germany’s 4-2 win over Greece at Euro 2012.

The newly re-elected head of the German government is a big supporter of the national tream, but the 58-year-old is also known to visit the players after major victories to congratulate them.

Niersbach said that during one of her visits, Merkel “saw more of Schweini than she should have”.

“When the chancellor comes into the dressing room, they all have to be dressed – that was my job at that time,” Niersbach said, according to Bild. “We forgot one player was still in the shower.”

When questioned about the identity of the player, Niersbach replied: “Not telling! That would be embarrassing for Bastian Schweinsteiger.”

The paper then reports a similar incident following Germany’s 4-0 win over Argentina in the quarter-finals of the 2010 World Cup, when Merkel saw Schweinsteiger naked from the waist up, celebrating the victory with a bottle of beer.

To be caught naked once may be considered chance, but twice…