Former Manchester United captain Roy Keane believes the Premier League is being undermined by a culture of cheating and diving.
“Players are conning each other, I’m glad I’m not playing any more, especially in the Premiership,” said Keane, currently in charge of Sunderland.
“There’s a lot of sneaky stuff going on that makes it hard for referees.
“I can’t get my head round a player who rolls around then gets up 30 seconds later. I’d be embarrassed. That’s cheating, trying to get another player in trouble.”
Keane admitted he had some sympathy for referees in the present climate and said club managers needed to take responsibility for the behaviour of their players.
“Everyone has got to take responsibility,” he said. “Players have got to look to treat referees fairly.
“I’m on my high horse because I went and kicked a lot of players — but I’m on about conning referees.
“There are a lot of players who are trying to pull one over the referee by diving or chasing the referee…I wouldn’t give them the time of day.
“Everyone goes down the foreign route but there are plenty of lads who play for England who do it…it’s not just a foreign thing. Lads I’ve played with go down like they’ve been shot and it drives me crazy.”