Watch: Benjamin Pavard scores a sensational goal

Benjamin Pavard’s goal was the outstanding highlight of France‘s thrilling 4-3 victory over Argentina. France’s right-back scored one of the goals of the World Cup with a stunner in their last-16 game.

The ball was well worked down the left hand side with a brilliant ball from Blaise Matuidi to Lucas Hernandez who delivered a decent cross which evaded everyone in the box and came out to Pavard who unleashed an outrageous outside of the boot half volley that swerved past the outstretched Franco Armani and inside the far post. The technique, and subsequent spin, left the Argentinian goalkeeper with absolutely no chance.

Pavard described what was going through his head: “The ball bounced up as it came to me. I didn’t even think about it. I just tried to get over it and keep it down. I was trying to hit it in the direction it came from, which is what the strikers always tell me. I didn’t think it over, and when it went in I just felt so happy.”

Check out our other favourite goals from the World Cup

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